100 West Foundation is about restoring and rebuilding lives and communities to be the masterpieces they were intended to be. Many people and communities have fallen into despair for lack of resources, abuse, and poverty. 100 West is dedicated to coming alongside those in need and lending them a helping hand.
The 100 West Foundation name comes from our home which was built in 1909. To some, it was just an old house that had fallen into disrepair. To others, who could see beyond the peeling paint, it was a masterpiece that required attention. After nine years of careful restoration, the home has been restored to the masterpiece it was originally built to be.

Supporting Organizations
We partner with organizations around the world that share the vision of restoring people to their created value.
Crisis Relief Funding
Partnering with people means partnering with them in the good and the bad. 100 West comes along side our partners during crisis.
Holistic Restoration
We believe in restoring people's relationship to others, to themselves, to creation, and to God.
Building Future Leaders
Educating and equipping future leaders in fields of restoration is key to transforming communities around the world.
Ministry Support
We support Christian workers at the forefront of spiritual restoration in individuals and communities.
Non-Profit Startups
We invest in people who are pioneering organizations that further the work of restoration.